Dr Alison Stone Ph.D

Allie is a British born Metaphysician whose work in the Wellness Industry has spanned for over 25 years. A dual focus as both a Wellness Practitioner and a Wellness Director has led her to work with some of the top Wellness Retreats and Health Resorts around the world. As with many wellness practitioners, a life threatening health challenge at the age of 30 became the catalyst for her to learn more about alternative health and complimentary medicine. Over the many years since her recovery, she has continuously strived to learn and develop a deeper understanding of what brings us to a state if dis-ease and how we can take back control of our health in order to reach Optimum Health and Wellbeing during our lifetime.

Academically, Allie has achieved a Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine, BD, MD and a Ph.D in Metaphysical Science, including diplomas in a host of alternative and complimentary therapies. Using all of these skills combined she helps and supports her clients and entire wellness network as a Doctor of Metaphysical Science.


Lavena JAde Harvey

Lavena is a British born Senior Flight Attendant with nearly 20 years experience in the Aviation Industry. Her aviation career has come from an inborn passion and dedication for customer care and service excellence to which her ascension into high level private flying has been a natural yet well earned outcome. However, due to a traumatic back injury Lavena stepped back from concentrating on her career to focus on her physical health. Over the course of 3 years she embarked on an in-depth study of the impact of physical trauma not only on the body and mind, but on the quantum energy of the spirit too.

Lavena’s research turned into study and although she continues to work in aviation, she has achieved diplomas in health & nutrition with a strong focus on gut-brain health and the physical side of Quantum Wellbeing. Currently developing some new and innovative nutritional gut health programs, Lavena is set to launch these, on this platform, in the first quarter of 2022.
