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Quantum Field Tuning

What is Quantum Field Tuning?

Quantum Energy Healing through physical massage.

Quantum Field Tuning is a healing method that works to gently re-align bones, cells, emotional trauma, tissues and organs of the body using vibrational energy from the subatomic level. This powerful realignment is achieved by blending the 2 very unique quantum based treatments of Chi Ne Tsang and Vibrational Entrainment Tuning.

What is Chi Ne Tsang?

Chi Nei Tsang is an ancient Chinese body massage used to detoxify, energise, and rejuvenate your organs and abdominal areas. As your tensions, worries, and stresses accumulate in you organs over time, this can often cause physical tangling and internal knotting of the nerves, blood vessels, and lymph nodes. This then leads to gradual obstruction of Chi energy circulation. Without a healthy circulation of Chi energy any number of chronic disorders including indigestion, constipation, bloating, insomnia, body toxicity, poor skin quality, and an inability to lose weight, can occur.

What is Vibrational Entrainment Tuning?

Using bioenergetically aligned tuning forks, gentle yet powerful vibrations are used on sensitive and painful areas which physical massage cannot touch while also cleansing the spirit energy centers. Excellent for chronic body misalignment, emotional release, relieving pain, inflammation, tension and releasing negative karmic patterns while also helping the mind, body and spirit to find its own proper alignment and balance again.

Who can benefit from Quantum Field Tuning?

Anyone and Everyone! Most people have experienced a time in their life when their Energy/Chi has been blocked. 

As your Quantum Field Tuning treatment integrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your being, it goes to the very origin of your health problems, including psychosomatic and emotional responses. It also effectively addresses chronic conditions including digestive problems, headaches, chronic fatigue, menstrual cramps, sciatica, uterine fibroids, infertility, insomnia, depression and many other imbalances and illnesses. 

All of your body’s systems–digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive are addressed in your session. Any emotional experiences which need to be processed can also be addressed. Additionally, Quantum Field Tuning can help to speed up your healing process from injury or trauma and is known for its healing and almost mystical work with endometriosis and fertility, along with sexual issues for women and men.

Special Note:

General contraindications for these treatments are an active menstruation, IDU, pregnancy, fever, or any active cancer or metal plates or pacemaker in the body. I also advise not to eat in the 90 minutes before your session (drinking is no problem). You will be required to fill in an up to date Health Questionnaire before every treatment, this will be sent to you via email when you book your treatment.  

It is important to emphasise that as a professional Quantum Field Healing practitioner I do not attempt to cure illness. Quantum Field Tuning as a treatment addresses the whole person and can be of particular benefit to the majority of wellbeing issues caused by stress.


What is White Tiger Qigong?

Quantum Energy Healing through physical exercise.

White Tiger Qigong is a branch of Taoist Qigong which uses specific exercises that harmonise your body, breath and mind by connecting deeply, through ancient breathwork techniques, to the energy of the Quantum Field. The definition of Qigong, as it is officially known in China, is that it is The Science of Human Potential and Development. White Tiger Qigong specialises in extremely dynamic forms of Qigong exercises which focus on longevity & medical Qigong, through breathing techniques, meditation, and Qigong based martial arts.

How can I benefit from a White Tiger Qigong session?

If you want to maximise your present and future potential, the practice of White Tiger Qigong will enable you to explore the depths and capabilities of your body, mind and spirit. By practicing White Tiger Qigong exercises on a regular basis, you can maximise your brain power, optimise your health and increase your inner vitality. With more extensive practice you can learn how to access more extraordinary capabilities like telepathy, remote viewing, control of the nervous system, body temperature control, breath control and so much more. This indeed, is the most ancient form of Biohacking we currently have access to in our modern world to date. Find out exactly what you are capable of achieving in your Quantum Physical and Quantum Spiritual field by clicking here to book a session with one of White Tiger Qigong’s excellent teachers and instructors!

One of the goals in traditional Qigong is transformation. Through learning the White Tiger Qigong training system, you will learn how to transform your emotions. By learning how to generate Qi and move it through your body, at will, you can positively transform your very physical existence. Through practicing Qigong meditation, you will be able to transform your thoughts and beliefs through the highest of quantum levels, your spirit.

Once you have transformed yourself, White Tiger Qigong has a system of training and in-depth teacher training courses which allow you to explore and maximise even further your quantum potential by becoming a White Tiger Qigong practitioner and teacher.

Special Note:

Session and training courses are available on the White Tiger Qigong Website.

Quantum Field connection

What is Quantum Field Connection?

Quantum Energy Healing through Metaphysical Exercise.

Quantum Field Connections take you to an intensely calm but highly alert state of being. This connection differs from meditation in that the focus is not to quieten your mind, or bring about a deep relaxed state, instead it widens your focus and expands you to the Quantum Field where your mind is consistently aware of infinite reality.

This practice literally transforms the chemical and cellular workings of your brain. The deep Metaphysical changes that occur during your Quantum Field Connection actually allow you to experience new and more enlightened ways of living.

By using Quantum Field Connection to realign on your soul level, you will experience the ability to fine-tune your mind to higher frequencies. With the integration of specific healing frequencies using Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies, you will easily bring your mind into high-frequency energy. During your quantum wellbeing journey, the healing abilities of your body are also influenced by the higher frequency of the quantum energy field,  so this energy can be used by your mind to bring your body to optimal wellbeing faster.

How do Quantum Field Connections work?

While your mind is connected to the quantum field, your brain cells are actually synchronised, and every cell in your entire brain is communally active at the same time.

After experiencing a session of quantum connection, those who use it regularly find they have the ability to enter in and out of a state of super-consciousness at will, with very little effort. In doing so, they report a constant state of inner calm, peace and a connection to others along with the ability to self-heal and relate more deeply to one’s surroundings.

In each of your Quantum Field Connections, the tones used are at frequencies lower than 1,000 hertz (Hz) as this allows the brain to detect the binaural beat directly and efficiently, for example:

Alpha pattern: Binaural beats in the alpha pattern operate at a frequency of 7–13 Hz and encourage relaxation.

Delta pattern: Binaural beats in the delta pattern operate at a frequency of 0.5–4 Hz with links to a dreamless sleep.

Theta pattern: Binaural beats in the theta pattern operate at a frequency of 4–7 Hz. Theta patterns contribute to improved meditation, creativity, and sleep in the rapid eye movement phase.

Gamma pattern: This frequency pattern operates through the range of 30–50 Hz. These frequencies promote maintenance of arousal while a person is awake.

Solfeggio frequency 396Hz – Liberation from fear and guilt. The Source of wisdom releases your unnecessary emotions of fear and guilt and deeply penetrates the mind and heart, banishing any and all obstacles to peace. True memory is restored allowing you to have access to the treasures of internal wisdom and knowledge.

Solfeggio frequency 417Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change. Internal Guidance is awakened and corrects any dis-orders especially with relationships and communication, instilling the ability for expression of clear vision and power.

Solfeggio frequency 528Hz – Transformation and Miracles. Intuition becomes magnified and directs the quality of reason, uniting the source of wisdom and light through the remembrance of the miracle re-discovered in every moment. Miracles of conception and birth are supported and enhanced with this frequency.

Solfeggio frequency 639Hz – Connecting / Relationships. The mind becomes radiated with the energy of unity, balance, health and tranquility, lighting up the path of return to healthy relationships and enabling the internal unification of all forms of opposites.

Solfeggio frequency 741Hz – Consciousness Expansion. Clear vision is enabled allowing the opening and multiplication of your self-empowered, organised and free mind. Internal strength is optimised within you enabling a vast opening to channel purified expressions of love and purpose.

Solfeggio frequency 852Hz – Awakening Intuition Solfeggio frequency 852Hz – Intuition is awakened and you connect with your inner guidance, inner intuitive powers while releasing and letting go of any destructive negative energy.

Solfeggio frequency 963Hz – Transcendence. The 963 Hz frequency is connected with the Light, and enables direct experience with Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world re-establishing your connection to the Divine, Source, and Unconditional Love.

Special Note:

There are no side effects to Quantum Field Connections however, it is advised that you have a 15 minute Consultation first. Also, avoid booking a session when you need to be awake and alert, or before driving or using machinery, as the session can make you feel very relaxed and drowsy.

Quantum Field Connection sessions require headphones to be most effective, you might want to use Bluetooth headphones when listening in bed or laying down. If this is not possible then try to find a space where no external noise will disturb you.