Quantum Wellbeing in a nutshell

The late great Albert Einstein once said:

 “Everything is Energy, and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
— Albert Einstein

Everything is Energy: Hmm … What does that really mean?

You can observe energetics in all aspects of your everyday life by understanding a few facts about the theory of Quantum Physics. The basic law of physics teaches us that everything in the universe consists of particles or waves, vibrating like strings at different frequencies. We call this energy.  From the cells in your body to the light and sound waves that echo through the cosmos, these resonating energy particles communicate with and influence each other by connecting with other vibrations with a similar pattern or pitch.

When quantum theorists say everything in the universe is vibrating, they mean everything!

Everything from the galaxies in outer space to the core of your cellular DNA itself, are made of particles resonating together to create a united front called matter. This is super cool, right?

So how do our 'vibes’ connect?

All vibrations in the universe connect through a principle of Quantum Physics known as Entrainment. This principle is also the fundamental core healing factor of Quantum Wellbeing.


Entrainment occurs when the vibrational frequency of two objects come into close contact with each other and fall into vibrational sync. When a vibrational body of a stronger resonance influences another in its field, the stronger vibration will begin to lead the vibrational beat, this is called Entrainment.

Our bodies naturally entrain to external rhythms without us noticing. The leading beat may come from a piece of music, influencing our internal rhythm through waves of sound. It may be the waves of light which set our circadian rhythms. Phases of the moon entrain hormonal cycles, and our own breath which influences our heartbeat and respiration. The leading beat can also come from our thoughts and belief systems which through the playing of self-talk tapes can entrain your vibrations from within!

Entrainment in Relationships with Yourself and Others

What happens when life’s vibrations are not supporting you?  It is important to assess the value of all entraining energies to your mental emotional and physical wellbeing.  For example, the internal and external vibrational influences you experience in your job, intimate relationships and even your own personality/ego will have a huge effect on how healthy your Quantum Wellbeing is.

As humans, we often fall into sync with a dominant personality by mimicking their body language, intonation, goals, fears and fantasies without realizing it. Thus, you can become entrained in someone else’s world. This can cause you to become imbalanced and unhappy, since you are not living the truth of who you really are.

Equally, many people fall into sync with their internal dominant personality or shadow self, describing the sensation as an energy invading every part of their being, like a parasitical virus.

It’s interesting to note that when a negative internal or external dominant energy entrains you for too long, you can feel a loss of direction and confusion. Trying to resist entrainment towards that dominant force will cause you to feel immediate disharmony with your life. Many people give up trying to resist the entrainment at this point, as resisting requires more energy, so the dynamic continues much longer than it should causing a further draining of mental, physical, and spiritual energy. 

How can Entrainment help me?

All thought processes ruled by fear, anxiety, and resignation directly impact your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. When tuning into energies that are not harmonious, you can lose your internal balance. By tapping into universal energy sources, you can entrain yourself through Quantum Wellbeing tools to anchor yourself into a more harmonious state.

How can Quantum Wellbeing tools help me?

Quantum Wellbeing tools such as Tuning In, White Tiger Qigong and Quantum Healing utilise entrainment of higher universal energy to enable you to focus and develop the power of positive entrainment to create direct uplifting effects on your wellbeing.

All living things are part of the quantum field and emit radiation (which has frequency). This radiation which is emitted constantly by all living things is seen and measured as photons. Photons are the smallest particles of light and one of the most essential sources of photon emissions in living things is DNA.

Current research indicates that DNA may in fact use the frequencies giving off this light to drive all processes within the living body. What’s more, the frequencies which are giving off this light are responsible for the communicative cohesion between all cells and all species.

These frequencies also account for extra sensory perception. The quantum field can account for such unexplained communicative capabilities because the quantum field is the space of collective consciousness. This suggests that our “harnessing” and entrainment of frequencies within the quantum field happens every day through our thoughts. This means we create reality through our consciousness and therefore thoughts, which gives us the inherent yet not fully realised ability to make or change anything to become exactly as we wish it to be… including ourselves!

The good news is that by taking steps to achieve a harmonious Quantum state of Wellbeing for yourself, you take control, create and maintain your own higher vibrational frequency. This will allow you to avoid becoming entangled in the web of negative energies that impact your daily life and your, yet to be created, future!

Tuning In helps to realign and harmonise external and universal energy forces. White Tiger Qigong helps to realign and harmonise our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Quantum Healing helps us to recreate our molecular and cellular structures so we can heal from the deepest core of our being.

Don’t forget that the founding principle of this world and every conceivable element is to always seek to live in harmony.

So, moving forward it makes sense that as more people begin to connect on a Quantum level and vibe at more positive frequencies, our positive entrainment will create a more harmonious world for you and the next generations to live in.

Click on each of the healing tools to find out how they can support you in attaining your optimal Quantum Wellbeing.
