Choose Your Mind Path



Past Life Regression

Healing the past

Many of our current behaviours have been created or shaped by past experiences which can cause behaviour patterns and emotional baggage that can manifest in our current life. Accessing specific past events and memories, which are stored in the subconscious mind, is crucial for releasing the negative impact and karmic debt caused by these forgotten experiences. Dr Allie uses specific personalised regression techniques to guide you through your journey. So please take advantage of your free 15 minute consultation before your full session, to discuss any specific requirements you may need.

When to choose Past Life Regression?

When you cannot make sense of harmful emotions or are confused why certain people and places have a hold over your happiness and sense of wellbeing, then Past Life Regression can be a fantastic tool for you. By connecting, identifying and making sense of current issues, you can release them from the event or source from which they came from. In addition to this, any karmic debt incurred by past actions and intentions can also be resolved.

Special Note: Due to the need for proper guidance and professional feedback during personalised Past Life Regression journeys, downloads are not suitable for this therapy. Pre-booked personalised One-on-One sessions with Dr Allie are available and can be booked on the appointments page. For those who wish to explore more generalised timeline journeys, then exploring the Quantum Field Connection is a must!


Healing the present

Self-Hypnosis is an excellent way of taking back control of your thoughts, perceptions, actions and reactions. These uniquely constructed Self-Hypnosis Tapes will guide you into a deep state of relaxation (sometimes described as a trance-like state). While you are in this trance-like state, you will be in a heightened state of focus and so can be guided by suggestions designed to help you achieve your Therapeutic Goals. So, whenever you are in need of a boost of confidence, need support in elevating your skills, are suffering from fears, phobias, addiction and habits, or need to heal past wounds and traumas, all of these challenges can benefit from self-hypnosis sessions. When the session is complete, you will be guided back safely from the trance-like state and will remain calm, relaxed and fully empowered to move forward with the changes that you have made.

When to choose Self-Hypnosis?

Self-Hypnosis works on the subconscious mind to realign and clear the way for deep processing, acceptance and the release of any mental or physical issues you are currently facing. To choose your specific Self-Hypnosis Tape, make a list of the 3 greatest personal obstacles which are currently standing in your way to Success, Happiness and Wellbeing. Once you chose your 3, sense which one you are drawn to the most and download the appropriate Self-Hypnosis Tape which will give you the tools you need to overcome your obstacles. Often more than one session of each tape is needed so the great part of having your own download is that you can utilise your Self-Hypnosis Tape frequently for additional reinforcement and continued support. Once you have made headway, you can move on to the next obstacle on your list and download your next Self-Hypnosis Tape. If you are at all unsure of which tape to download or you want to know which additional tapes you need to support your Self-Hypnosis Journey, please contact Dr Allie directly via email with details of your current challenges along with your Wellbeing Vision.

Special Note: If you would like to address any deep traumas that are still actively effecting your day to day life, then please be advised that a private One-on-One session with Dr. Allie should be booked, due to the need for professional guidance during these deeply sensitive and transformative sessions.

It is advised that you avoid booking a session when you need to be awake and alert, or before driving or using machinery, as the session can make you feel very relaxed and drowsy.

All sessions can benefit from the use of headphones, so you might want to use Bluetooth headphones when listening in bed or laying down. If this is not possible then try to find a space where no external noise will disturb you.


Healing the future

Metaphysical Meditation is a guided meditation technique similar in some aspects to hypnosis in that it utilises active imagination to create detailed images of future events and personal goals which you desire or need to manifest. Your subconscious designs detailed road maps that become the DNA blueprint for your goals. Once created, each meditation is stored in your conscious database enabling you to build and manifest your future event or personal goal.

When to Choose Metaphysical Meditation

Metaphysical Meditation is best used for those who have are aware of a need to change their current way of thinking. Many who wish to make progress in the evolution of life benefit greatly from Metaphysical Meditations.

These meditation downloads create roadmaps which are essential for changing future goals and allowing you to fully utilise your imagination. Meditation is one of the most profound and powerful mind tools that can create new and ever evolving realities which allow you to recreate your future, by your own design.

Special Note: The Metaphysical Meditations are active, internal, visual journeys. If you are seeking to explore and utilise the benefits of a deeper healing journey within, please see our Quantum Wellbeing page.

It is advised that you avoid using downloads when you need to be awake and alert, or before driving or using machinery, as the session can make you feel very relaxed and drowsy.

Metaphysical Meditation sessions can benefit from the use of headphones, so you might want to use Bluetooth headphones when listening in bed or laying down. If this is not possible then try to find a space where no external noise will disturb you.